Crimson Client

CrimsonClient is script that I started creating after DOP's death. At first it was created to be very secret, and to protect people from DayDun's RCE, but now there's no need for it. There's 2 branches of Crimson: <2.1.0 and 2.1.0=>.

Version before 2.1.0 is old classic Crimson with a *lot* of bugs, gaycode and shitty design. After so many months I got annoyed so I started to fully rewrite Crimson, and that's 2.1.0 version.

You can get Crimson only if you are my friend, or you can buy it with OPM.

This is guide for CrimsonClient 2.1.0+


Crimson is class. And CrimsonClient is new Crimson(). Nothing hard.

CrimsonClient.Chat - OPM.require("core-utils").chat;
CrimsonClient.Players - OPM.require("core-utils").players;
CrimsonClient.functions - list of Crimson functions. Every function is object with:
- button (HTML ButtonElement),
- enabled (is enabled),
- extra (storage of each function),
- name (name of function),
- onToggle (onToggle argument),
- toggle (enable/disable function).
CrimsonClient.utils.tp - teleport to X, Y.
CrimsonClient.utils.log - simple log function for red "[CRIMSON]:" prefix.
CrimsonClient.utils.copyToClipboard - copy to clipboard.
CrimsonClient.utils.size - get size of object.
CrimsonClient.main - HTML of main window.
CrimsonClient.mainContainer - HTML of main window container.
CrimsonClient.style - CSS of Crimson (Created by Anonygold).
CrimsonClient.styleElement - < style > element.
CrimsonClient.toggled - is opened or no.
CrimsonClient.version - Crimson version.
CrimsonClient.addFunction - add Crimson function.
CrimsonClient.addFunctions - add object with functions (just to make code more beautiful).
CrimsonClient.windows - windows object:


- CrimsonClient.windows.class - CrimsonWindow class, arguments: name, x, y, options, fn.
CrimsonWindow class is similar to OWOP window class.

Methods & other:
addObj - add HTML element to container.
close - close window.
hide - hide window.
setPin - set pinned status.
show - show.

x, y - x and y coords.
options - options.
name - name of window.
func - init function.
pinned - is pinned.
clicked - is clicked.
element - HTML element of window.
container - HTML element of window contaner.

disablePin - disable pin function and button.
moveable - can be moved or no (default - true).
if - function that should return boolean, and if it returns true, window can be show()'n.

- CrimsonClient.windows.list - list of windows.



Just rainbow. That's it.


You won't get /tell messages.


In input you can write nicks and ids (seperated by ",") to ignore them in chat.


Change camera speed.


Teleport to given coordinates. First argument is X, second is Y. Example: "-100 524". Or you can use player ID. Example: "123456"


Add cool tools: Brush, Checker, Text, Protection


Reconnect. May be useful if you need to change id.


Yeah, clear chat.


Player list. Click on player for action (Teleport / Tell / Follow / Copy ID, Mute).
If you try to mute, Ignore feature should be enabled.
Follow will enable follow-mode. To leave follow mode press L.
Crimson is monitoring all changes in world and chat. If it'll notice moderator/admin in chat, or if someone using moderator/admin tools it'll color his ID to their rank color. Also if you mute / setrank 0 person, his id will be colored to gray. If Crimson is not sure is this admin or moderator, their color will be animated with green-red colors.


Just info about you: ID, nick, tool, rank, pquota, color.


Spams in DM. If you won't put anything in message2 input, it'll spam only with 1 message.


Homes like in Minecraft!


Replace discord emoji names with real ones. OWOP Official Discord emojis. Example: :teef:.


Click on player (not id/nick) to open menu (like with players) with Teleport, Tell, Follow, Copy ID, Mute and also if you're mod+ there will be Set rank, Whois and (Un)Mute. Also adds time to messages.


If you'll get disconnected, it'll click reconnect button for you :lol:.


Filter messages in chat. You can also use RegExp (gm).